Friday, August 20, 2010


1.未成熟男人会叫你猪头、亲爱的、傻瓜之类的成熟 的男人会叫你宝宝。而且是心疼的。

2.未成熟男人会很用力的和你接吻,不管你是不是喜欢,是不是允许。成熟的男人会在情到浓处时闭上眼睛轻 轻的吻你,让你能感受他细致的爱。

3.未成熟男人在和你打电话或夜聊时,不会太在意你是否想不想睡觉,而由自己决定是不是挂线。成熟的男人 会不停的关心你是否困,是否会耽误你其它安排,然后再决定下一步。甚至自己很累只要你不想睡就会陪你。

4.未成熟男人总是问你东问你西,今 天做了什么什么,和谁谁怎样,问题多的数不清,却从不自己动脑子去想想很多显而易见的问题。成熟的男人很少会问你太多问题,除非是一件他们搞不清、抓不到 任何蛛丝马迹的事情。否则很少有什么可以逃出他们的分析和思维能力。

5.未成熟男人总是对你讲谁谁谁的不好,谁家又有什么事了等等各种八 卦。成熟的男人很少在你面前议论谁的不好,并教会你一些道理。

6.未成熟男人会让你给他做饭洗衣敲背,偶尔为你做几道味道一般的饭菜,但会 指责你的毛病。成熟的男人会很安静的只要有时间就给你做很美味的饭菜,递给你水果,洗衣收拾家务,就算你做的饭难吃也会表面幸福的全部吃掉。

7. 未成熟男人会在公共场合大声笑,不顾旁人的和你闹。成熟的男人会自己做自己的事,沉稳微笑着处理各种场合。很尊重照顾你。

8.未成熟男人总 是在打架时保护你,或者让你走。成熟的男人在你在旁边时不会打架,而是镇定的用智斗。

9.未成熟男人会没事拉上一大帮朋友去酒吧夜店玩,然 后很HIGH的玩,和美女眉来眼去。成熟的男人总是迫不得以的被人叫去,安静的抽烟喝酒和朋友聊天。

10.未成熟男人总是有没玩没了的问 题,想要更加了解你。成熟的男人只会用心了解你。

11.未成熟男人喜欢喝酒,没事到哪吃饭都爱开瓶酒。成熟的男人讨厌喝酒,需要喝酒的时候 才会喝酒。


13.未成熟男 人遇到困难的时候会问你怎么办。成熟的男人遇到困难的时候不会告诉你,而是自己去承受。

14.未成熟男人喜欢昂贵华而不实的东西,追求表面 的东西。成熟的男人不喜欢张扬的东西,喜欢有质量和有品味的东西。

15.未成熟男人喜欢奢侈的生活,有时会浪费。成熟的男人不管多有钱,都 会对自己很节俭,却对别人和对心爱的你很大方。

16.未成熟男人很少回家和父母在一起,也很少关心疼爱父母。经常会做不顾父母感受的事情。 成熟的男人哪怕工作再忙都会没时间抽时间回家陪家人,给家人买最好的东西。父母长病,天天陪在床前。每件事都会站在父母的角度考虑。

17. 未成熟男人会和你抢电视机遥控器。成熟的男人会陪你看你喜欢的电视节目。

18.未成熟男人会听自己喜欢的歌曲,还会滔滔不绝的强迫你一起喜 欢。成熟的男人听自己喜欢的歌,但也会了解你喜欢的歌。偶尔投其所好,总之看见你微笑他就开心。

19.未成熟男人开车时会和你闹,拉你的手 还不时的看你。成熟的男人会很认真的开车,会给你讲很多好玩的笑话还有事情,不让你和他闹。因为他珍爱生命,尤其是你的生命。

20.未成熟 男人会抱着你时说你沉,你这个小猪,让你减肥。成熟的男人喜欢背着你转,然后说你怎么这么轻,让你不需要减肥,顺其自然就好。

21.未成熟 男人会考虑半天才买下你喜欢的东西。之后还会唠叨给你买过什么。成熟的男人是只要你喜欢,就会毫不犹豫的买下。或者暗暗买下你喜欢的,给你个惊喜。他爱 你,所以会努力让你快乐。

22.未成熟男人会在过节或生日时给你开PARTY庆祝。成熟的男人会带你到一个温馨的地方给你庆祝,只有你们两 个人,属于你们的小世界。

23.未成熟男人总是到处炫耀他的女人和恋情。不管你是不是介意。成熟的男人,你在身边时他才会骄傲的扬着头。不 用说,他的朋友们也会明白你们的关系。你爱他,他爱你,有时爱情就是这么简单的事。

24.未成熟男人总是喜欢你打扮的花枝招展,生怕走在街 上别人不看你,朋友亲戚不夸女朋友时尚漂亮。成熟的男人不喜欢你化妆和打扮的张扬。他们更喜欢自然简单的你。就算不化妆丑也觉你是最漂亮的。

25. 未成熟男人的爱经不住考验,缺乏的是深厚和执着。成熟的男人的爱是博大精深的,爱的不动声色,却又坚定执着。如同父爱。他视你若珍宝。

26. 未成熟男人总是在浪费时间。成熟的男人总是觉的时间不够去拼搏,只想你能幸幸福福。

27.未成熟男人总是做出很多不负责任的事,然后想方设 法逃避责任。成熟的男人总是勇敢去承担责任,并不会做出任何伤害你的事。

28.未成熟男人遇到问题矛盾,会问你怎么办。成熟的男人会冷静地 想解决的办法。


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Power Of Fasting - By Pastor Kong Hee

I have been fasting regularly since 1986. In the early days, I would fast once a week for 24 hours, from 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday to 6:00 a.m. on Thursday. However, since 2004, I have been going on 21-day full fasts once every 6 months. Once, in 2007, I fasted for 40 days.

Many people have asked me, “Kong, why do you fast so often?” This blog is dedicated to that question. There are many wonderful benefits of fasting:

1. Biological: The physical benefits fasting has toward the body have been so well documented that even non-Christians these days fast regularly for better health. According to World Health Net, a study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, shows that regular fasting can reduce risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, insulin resistance, immune disorders, and more generally, the slowing of the aging process, and the potential to increase maximum life span.

In Japan, “fasting clubs” are now in vogue. A June 16, 2003, issue of Newsweek states that “for decades Japanese doctors have treated obesity, diabetes and some psychiatric illnesses with fasting.”

During a fast, the body takes the opportunity to eliminate a lot of toxins (harmful substances) that have been built up over the years. The toxins are predominantly stored in fat and mucous cells. The body is “resetting” itself. A common detoxification reaction is headaches. This occurs because the toxins in the blood cause it to thicken and hence cause a headache. A simple remedy is to drink more water or have a bowel movement. In fact, a three-day fast has been used as a standard means of detox recommended by nutritionists the world over.

In America, it is now common to have a 28-day detox program. Books such as Get Healthy Through Detox and Fasting: How to Revitalize Your Body in 28 Days by Don Colbert, and New Again! The 28-Day Detox Plan for Body and Soul by Anna Selby, describe detoxification plans which remove harmful toxins from the body and revitalize it.

2. Spiritual: There are a number of very good reasons why we Christians should fast:

a. Breaking the power of the carnal flesh. Our fallen nature is so tightly linked to the physical appetites of our human body. The more inordinately we yield to our physical drives (such as hunger, sleep, sex), the more we embolden the carnal nature of our undisciplined flesh. Apostle Paul himself was fully aware of the power of the flesh, and constantly disciplined his body “to bring it into subjection” (1 Cor. 9:27). One of the ways he did this was “in fastings often.” (2 Cor. 11:27). As I deprive my body of its craving for food, I am taming my flesh and bringing it into subjection to my spirit. By the end of my fasting period, I often find myself more spiritual, more heavenly minded, more in tune with God, and more sensitive to His voice. In fact, the Scripture records that the reason the church leaders of Antioch were so sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, concerning His plan to reach the Gentile world, was a direct result of prayer and fasting (Acts 13:2).

b. Self-humbling before the Lord. This is the reason why the saints in the Bible fast (Ps. 35:13). They were reminding themselves that they were weak in their own human strength to achieve the big visions and goals that God had set before them. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41). Therefore if our God-ordained dream is going to happen, it must be by a supernatural work of the Lord.

Fasting heightens that awareness. When I fast, I feel so weak in myself. I can’t workout in the gym. I can’t run five km (three miles) each day. After every service during my 21-day fasting season, I often felt like “crashing.” I would then cry out to the Lord, “Jesus, I can’t do it, please help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit!” God will always give grace to the humble (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5).

c. Increasing the anointing level. Jesus says that certain demons can’t be expelled except by prayer and fasting (Matt.17:21). Last month at the Kuala Lumpur Emerge (our annual youth conference in Malaysia), many commented that the preaching of the Word and the ministry time were some of the best they have ever had. Honestly, I didn’t feel any different. In fact, I felt I didn’t preach too well in a couple of the sessions because I was tired due to my long fast. However, many attendees sent me text messages and emails to say that their lives were so impacted and irrevocably changed. As I reflect on this, I can clearly see that God Himself was doing the work. He had so anointed my voice and let His power flow freely through the laying on of my hands. The presence and power of God made a huge difference in my time at KL.

3. Revival & Church Growth: In the Bible, whenever the people of God stopped fasting, they became dull and complacent. However, when a fast was decreed, the whole nation underwent revival and deliverance (2 Chr. 20:3-25; Esther 4:16; Ezra 8:21; Jonah 3:5-10). Last month, I fasted and prayed for three specific purposes: (1) 30 percent growth in every pastoral zone, (2) CHC to get its 10,000-seat arena in the city, and (3) my wife Sun to excel in her American singing career. Fasting greatly adds spiritual momentum to my prayer and faith.

What to Do When You Fast?

If you have a sickness, if you are pregnant, or if you are a nursing mother, please don’t fast.

If you have a history of weak health, please seek medical advice beforehand if you want to fast.

If you are on regular medication, please consult a doctor before you fast.

If you can’t fast throughout the week, just go for a three-day fast. But please don’t fast intermittently (stopping a few meals, eating a few meal) as this will affect the rhythm of your gastric flow and may hurt your body. Once you start fasting, don’t eat until you have finished the fast.

You must drink a lot of water when you fast. Be careful of juices and beverages (such as, coffee) that may give you gastric problems because of the acids they contain. For some people, milk may result in a lot of gas. Yoghurt may cause stomach rumblings, and is generally considered food. The best is electrolytes like 100-Plus, H-2-0, Pocari, et cetera. You need the minerals contained in them during a fast. Drinking clear soup in moderation is good when you need extra energy for work or ministry.

Don’t do anything strenuous like run 10 km, house-moving, dance performances, etc. Adopt a commonsense approach to fasting.

Brush your teeth often as you will tend to have bad breath (again, due to the release of toxins). I normally carry a toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere I go when I am fasting.

Most of all, when you fast, try to start or end the day with a time of deep personal devotion and prayer. Fasting must go with prayer. Otherwise, it is just dieting or a “hunger strike.”

How to Break a Fast?

After fasting, always begin with a light meal, even if you have fasted for only a short period of time. Don’t begin with anything too greasy, fatty or heavy.

The next thing to keep in mind is that the longer the fast, the more gradual it takes to break it. Somebody has said that you must take as long a time to break your fast as you do the period of fasting. When you have fasted for a long time (over three weeks), your stomach becomes like that of a baby’s. Feed yourself after that fast as you would a baby. It may take up to a week to get back to consuming normal food.

When you are in a fast, you usually don’t feel so hungry after the first three days. However, when you start to eat again, your hunger comes back. That is when you must really hold on to yourself. Exercise self-control. Fasting causes your stomach to contract. It is unwise to expand it again to the same extent. Fasting is a great way to change our eating habits, which many of us need to do. However, if you are planning to slim down or reduce your weight, fasting alone will not do that normally. You will get a few kilos off, but you will put them on just as quickly unless you combine it with a changed program of eating and exercise.

This is a message send by my bro i want to share to all of the sis and bro...amen